Éric Vernier is an Assiociate Research Fellow at IRIS, specialising in money laundering, corporate fraud and sustainable banking development.

Éric Vernier holds a doctorate in Management science (accredited to direct research) and is a lecturer at the Université du Littoral, in charge of the Specialised Master’s degree in “International Financial Analysis” at the Reims Management School and the Master’s degree in Management at the ULCO.

Founder of HORUS consultants (audit on money laundering risks, training consultancy), he is also an APM expert (on the risks of money laundering).
He has been a member of the Lille Financial Center jury for 10 years and was awarded the Lille Financial Center Prize for his expertise in the field of financial services. Bank director and member of the national jury of chartered accountants for 10 years, he won the Lille Place Financière prize.

Éric Vernier is the author of numerous books and scientific articles on money laundering and is also a member of the scientific or reading committee of several economic and financial journals, including the Revue Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise (RFGE), Marché & Organisations, Banque and the journal Innovations.